V!x - Building himself From the ground up

We reached out to V!X, aka Dan Pinder, an aspiring musician and singer from Warrington, England. From starting out to getting where he wants to be, we talk about difficulties student musicians face in their work-life balance, and also about how his music follows on from the legacy of his idols.

When did you start getting into music? I’m interested in the whole journey… how did those around you help in that?

I got into music quite late to be honest… when I was around 14 and I picked up a guitar for the first time. Ever since then I’ve just completely fallen in love with it. I love different types of music, but I really had a feel for the emo rap scene since I first really started listening to music, and this has only grown with the amount of new artists I discover. I had a lot of guidance from my cousins who were in a band called ‘Stillia’ and since I picked up playing the guitar, they have helped me so much. From giving me their old equipment to mixing my songs (thank you Matty!), they have been a real help. I write about a lot of things .. but for me the best songs always come from my actual feelings. I mostly write about heartbreak and past relationships as that is something I can genuinely dig deep and write about. It is a complete escape as any feelings I have got can be put into something so productive. I feel like almost everyone can relate to the music I write as so many people have experienced heartbreak in their lives and the questions that come with it which I really try to put down on paper when I write my songs.

Which artists have  has inspired you the most? What drew – or draws – you to their music, and how do you wish to continue their legacy?

I have got so many different inspirations in music from Post Malone, Iann Dior, Lil Uzi Vert etc, but my main inspiration is Lil Peep. I completely fell in love with his music the first time I listened to it .… the way he ranges  from fast-and-in-your-face to quite slow and ambient. He directly influences my music lyrically and sonically. I find his lyrics to be almost poetic and his melodies incredible and you can always feel exactly what he is feeling when he sings his songs. In my career I hope to showcase to everyone that Lil Peep’s art has touched so many people, and I hope that that means his music and its relevance will stay alive for a long long time.

Being a student is hard enough. How do you manage your time between studying, working, and pursuing music?

Being a student and trying to pursue music is a difficult balance with the amount of work being put on students from every direction. I always try to find time to focus on my music, but studies do get in the way a lot, and I struggle to find the time to really sit down and write a song or get it produced. It also gets harder to properly search for inspiration - lyrical or instrumental. It is a very tough balance, however I believe I am starting to get the hang of it. I always see my weekends as really important as that is when I have the most time to really be able to use my creativity and put it down on paper and make it into something I’m proud of. and doing a lot of my music work throughout the weekends as I feel this works best for me and my songs are sounding better as well.

In an age where so many younger people are reaching stardom, do you ever fall victim of comparing yourself? How do you battle that?

I do not compare myself to any artist on the charts really … and none who are my age. Obviously, there’s some I look at and think I’d like to be in their position but I don’t look with envy or any real desire to take anyone’s place. I don’t really listen to any music which is top of the charts, and I stick to listening with what I like. I am on my own journey and don’t look to compare myself to anyone else as I know everyone has different ways of getting to where they want to be. I do think there are some very talented artists who are around now that are similar to my age, and I wish everyone well in their journey and careers.


When did you know that you really wanted to pursue music properly? What’s the end goal for you? What are some challenges that get in the way of that goal?Do you find it hard to get a wider audience?

 I see music as something more than just a hobby. This is something I really want to pursue, and I have a real desire to be successful in it. I have always said since I was really young that I didn’t want to work a normal job and wanted to do something outside the norm. I put a lot of effort into my music and want to make some real noise in the industry and give people completely new feelings when they listen to my music. All in all, the end goal for me is definitely to be performing full time and doing the biggest shows in front of the most people I can. It is difficult getting a wider audience and I think it is harder in the music I do. I have used what I can online to try and grow my following however it is not easy, and sometimes it can be annoying when you work so hard on a song and do not get many listeners. I’m just focused on making the best songs I possibly can, and I believe that dedication can really help propel me forward and grow my audience wider. I hope people can really connect with the songs I write as that is the main thing for me about music being the connection between the artist and the people who listen to it as it makes a close and special bond.


Fright Years - Their Words